Learn about tools our platform has to offer reaching from performance monitoring to integrating a mailbox in your application.
17 articles
Public files
Using the public files across your applications.
Public files referenceThis article explains the use of public files within the Betty Blocks platform.
Find out what logs are used for and where to find them.
Logs referenceLearn what logs are all about at Betty Blocks and why you might want to use them.
How to set up configurations and why they are connected to sandboxes.
ConfigurationsNeed a place to store a 'global' variable, or data that you reuse a lot throughout your application? Configurations got you sorted.
Authentication profiles
Using the authentication (to enable connections between apps and databases).
Betty Blocks authentication profile UUIDYou can locate the universally unique identifier (UUID) that is required when connecting, for example, remote data source models.
Translations: building multilingual applications
Managing languages and translations in your apps.
Building multilingual applicationsUsing the translation feature, you can create multilingual applications.
Managing the languages included in your applicationHow to specify the languages you want to use in your multilingual application is explained.
Creating keys for assigning terms in multiple languagesWhen working with translations, you also need to define keys for individual terms that you connect to text displayed in your application.
Using import and export for managing translationsImport and export terms to and from the translations feature.
Applying translation feature when building your applicationLearn about assigning translation keys when building the user interface and switching a language via the interactions.
Summary of working with translationsThis article contains a summary of how to work with the Translations feature for building multilingual applications.
Theme builder
Working with colors, fonts and more.
Theme builder referenceUsing the theme builder, you can adjust the default styles available with Betty Blocks to reflect your preferences or brand requirements.
Color use: best practicesWorking with colors while creating your application's front-end.
Adding fonts to your applicationLearn how to use extra fonts in your application's theme builder.
Using the theme builderCustomize your application’s look by using the theme builder.
Application settings
Using general app to set a home page, error pages and more.
Using the in-builder application settingsYou can assign general settings such as a default title and a description as well as setting the home page.
Setting a home page for your applicationLearn how you can set one of your pages as the home page of your application.
Setting and using error pagesYou'll likely encounter an error every now and then, this happens but we can make sure users don't get stuck while encountering them.