Verified blocks and more
Identify the verified blocks provided by Betty Blocks and check other small updates connected to the block store.
After reading this article you’ll learn how to:
Differentiate between verified and public blocks
Check the newly updated blocks and functions
Betty Blocks would like to open access to creating blocks for everyone in the future, and as for now developers from different departments of the company are able to convert their own features into blocks. Therefore, to avoid confusion, we’d like to distinguish between verified blocks and simply public ones.
Blocks statuses
When you reach the block store in your application, click on any of the blocks to open its detail page. We’ll take this Betty Roots theme block as an example. Within the open detail page, it’s clearly visible who published this block in the ‘Published by’ section and the developers who created it. Just a bit below that, see a few details about it that will help you understand that this block is:
Newly updated (‘New’ icon)
Verified (green tick icon)
On the contrary, if it’s just a public block that is not verified by Betty Blocks, you’ll also see which department published it (Betty Blocks services in this case), but the icon will be different - a yellow one with an exclamation mark (!).
In addition, there are links to documentation and GitHub articles that contain all the valuable info that you can use.
Special icons
Another overview where you can see the difference between blocks and their status is actions. Let’s find some action function block and install it first.
Note: If you are not sure how to install different types of blocks to your applications, please see Installing a block article.
Our choice fell into a sub-action function and as we open our action, there should be a sub-action function installed and visible in the function overview. When you hover over it, you’ll notice a small block store symbol that will identify that it was indeed installed from the block store. The same goes for the page components: see the example of the installed pie chart in the page components overview below.
What is nice as well is that now you will be able to see the newly updated functions in the overview with a ‘New’ icon in front of them.