Updating a remote data source
Update existing remote data sources to the latest available version and quickly locate and repair any affected application data.
Remote data sources provide useful resources when building business applications. Once included, you need to ensure the integrity of data that is connected to information presented in your application. The update feature is available to support you in ensuring that your application data is up-to-date.
Remote data sources provide useful resources when building business applications. Once included, you need to ensure the integrity of data that is connected to information presented in your application. The update feature is available for supporting you in ensuring that your application data is up-to-date.
How to access the update data source feature
The Update data source feature provides the capability for checking for updates to a remote data source. It is available in the Settings tab for remote data source models. This tab is opened when you click on a remote data source from the Data model view. As explained in the following, you can navigate to the Update data source feature from different points, for example, from the: |
Using the update data source feature
To check that a remote data source is still mapped correctly, you can use the information provided when you check updates.
The Data sources (A) displays any remote sources that have been connected to your application. As shown in the example below, the following data sources are connected:
1. Click the SAP Hana button. The SAP Hana Settings tab is displayed (B). The Update Data Source** feature is available in this tab. |
2. Click on Check updates. Where both sources are the same, the message No changes found is returned (D). You can press the Check again button or return to the Data model list using the Back (←) button. Where changes are detected, additional information is provided as detailed in the next section. |
Note: You can navigate to the Update Data Source feature from different points when working with models. For example, when viewing the settings for a property, you can click on the Data source settings button. |
How changes are presented
Where changes are found during a check for updates on a data source, the updates are detailed based on:
A. Updates affecting models with changes that affect your application
B. Other updates to the remote data schema
Each of these is explained in more detail.
A. Updates affecting models with changes that affect your application |
Updates that may impact your application details any changes that have been detected that can impact the remote model(s) that you have installed in your application. In the example below, a remote data source [named Remote Data Source] defined using an application programming (API) interface based on a Swagger specification (A) is used. 1. Click on the Check updates button. A message indicating that the API definitions are being compared is displayed. When complete, the results are displayed in a table, Updates that may impact this application. The details of any changes detected are displayed (B). In the example shown, the model Offer is connected to the application and a total of 5 changes have been detected, 3 involving additions and 2 involving deletions. |
2. Click on the Expand (∨) button to display the details. The Property changes that impact this application are detailed in terms of additions (C) and deletions (D). Where a Property is changed based on Type or Name, the property is deleted from the remodel model and recreated (added) again as a new Property. Note: You can take a screen capture or a note of the changes that affect your application. You will need to separately update any impacted data that you have included in a web page using the Pages module. |
3. To update the changes to your application, click on the Start update button. A pop-up window requests you to confirm that you want to process the update with a reminder that the resulting changes impact your application. |
4. Click on Start update. An Update successful message is displayed once it is completed. |
5. Click on the Open Data model overview button to return to the Data model overview (F). |
B. Other updates to the remote data schema |
Other updates detail any other changes detected in the remote data source but which are not connected to any remote models in your application’s data model.
You can use the Start update button to ensure that you have the latest api definition but do not need to make any further changes to your application. |