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List of release notes 2024.5

March 6, 2024

Over the last two weeks, we have been working on improvements to the platform. In this blog post, you can see a simple list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed. Read more about the release notes here.

New features & improvements


  • The new object page variable feature has been released. Using object variables over data container components enhances the performance of end-applications and simplifies development. Read more about it here in this blog post and here about the differences between object variables and data container components.

  • Model property name changes used from the context of a page variable are now resolved automatically in components on canvas. Automatically displaying name changes of these items on canvas enhances the user experience in development.


  • From now on, you can test your actions in the IDE. When you click Test Run, you can see the modal has changed. You have now Basic, Advanced and Playground.

    • Note: Currently, you can only test public actions in the IDE. Basic and Advanced will not be available when testing a private action. You can still use the playground to test your private actions.

      • Basic: You can fill in the input variables

      • Advanced: You can provide a JSON object to provide the value of the input variables

      • Playground: This hasn’t changed. Read this documentation for more information on how to use the playground

    • Within Basic and Advanced, you can click the button ‘Test Run’ and your action will run. Now you will see the action result in the popup.


My Betty Blocks

  • Creating new application development roles for an organization including permissions for who is able to manage those.

  • Permissions are added for who can manage roles and permissions for an organization.

  • Application origin template is now displayed in the template overview so that impacts on this template can be communicated with users that adopted the template.





  • Components: Number property with property-formatting enabled did not render the numeric value in the Number input component. Only without property-formatting. We fixed this issue by ignoring the property-format. Eventually, also formatted numeric values will be shown in the input (future improvement). This fix is only applied in the newest version of the Number input component.

  • Components: The Autocomplete's component filter was no longer adhered every time an end-user was typing in the text search field at runtime. This issue did only occur when a belongs-to property was set in the the LABEL FOR OPTIONS option (e.g. Task.Project.Title). This fix is only applied in the newest version of the Autocomplete component.

  • Page compilation: Not always the latest page changes were reflected at runtime after clicking the play-button. This was happening due to a change in the compile process. This has been fixed now!


  • Quick add properties: The tab key can now be used for selecting the fields in the quick add properties.

  • Expression property: We have released a fix for seeing the dynamic value of betty5 properties in the new data IDE. We have provided a button, to redirect you to the right property if you wish to change this value.

Up next


  • In the next two weeks, we will release:

    • Using page variables in the multi rule display logic component option.

    • The select, radio, autocomplete, checkboxgroup and rich-text input components can load their default value from a page variable property.

    • Implementing a fix when search through page variable model properties where the model has more than 50 items (this has currently unexpected behavior).


  • Expected in this quarter:

    • Next up, we will work on supporting nesting in schema models. With it, you no long need to adjust your Swagger file to make use of nested schema models.

My Betty Blocks

  • Expected in the next two weeks:

    • Company members will be part of the export company data

    • Create application: Start from scratch now comes with management for users and roles to simplify the first building experience.

    • Promote application as company template, so that templates are available to be created within all organizations of the company.

    • Permissions are added for inviting users for both organizations and applications.

  • Expected in the next four weeks:

    • Permissions are added for moving an application between organizations.

    • Permissions are added for managing specific organization and application settings.


Platform roadmap

Want to know more about the upcoming features and functionalities of the Betty Blocks platform? Visit the platform roadmap of our community where you can find most of the topics that we are currently working on and are planning to work on. Let us know your thoughts by upvoting the topics you believe are the most valuable!


Visit the platform roadmap

That was all for now. Your feedback allows us to continuously improve the Product. So please, let us know what you think about it!