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Styling best practices

Some practical approaches to building more consistent and responsive user interfaces.

Updated over a week ago

After reading this article you’ll know how to:

  • Apply web design consistency principles

  • Build a responsive application adapted to various devices

  • Choose the typography and color schemes

  • Stylize individual page components

Creating user interfaces is similar to painting and furnishing your apartment - not shall you only approach it by adding aesthetically appealing elements, but you also need to make them practically helpful and provide the best possible experience for yourself and your guests. Well-furnished rooms, a fully functional kitchen, and a proper choice of paint in interior design equal a nicely structured layout, responsive pages, appropriate color scheme and typography choice in web design.

What makes design consistent?

What comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘consistency’? Cambridge Dictionary defines consistency as ‘the state or condition of always happening or behaving in the same way’. On the other hand, Merriam-Webster Dictionary states that consistency is ‘an agreement of harmony of parts or features to one another or a whole’. These statements are absolutely factual when it comes to the consistency of a user interface - a mixture of well-aligned components, content, and interactions on one hand, and tasteful fonts, color schemes, images, and icon styles on the other. Let’s take a look at the whole list of essential points to keep in mind when building an application interface.

Color scheme

You’ll not be surprised if we remind you to use a specific color palette throughout the website, including background colors, text colors, and accent colors. For instance, if your brand colors are blue and yellow, these colors should be consistently applied to buttons, headings, links, and other design elements. If your branding is minimalistic and colorless, you should keep it strict and business-like (see the example below).

Minimalist color scheme example

Employ a limited color palette to maintain a clean and cohesive design, and wisely choose the primary and secondary colors adding some accent colors on top. Also, think about highlighting key elements like buttons, for example, the orange color will give a sense of urgency and can be used for the Purchase Now button.

Most color choice options within the Betty Blocks platforms revolve around the theme builder. There you can apply the above-mentioned primary, secondary, and accent colors. Some of the page builder components, like buttons, can be stylized individually. All of this and more can be found in Color use: best practices.


Uniformity in font choices, font sizes, and text formatting (such as line spacing and letter spacing). Selecting a primary font for headings and another for body text and consistently applying them maintains a cohesive typographic style.

By default, there are few options for choosing fonts in the platform’s theme builder, but that’s not a big deal because you can upload your own fonts and font families and use customization options like transforming (choosing lower scale, upper scale typography, etc.), resizing, color change. Surely, after a bit of experimenting, you’ll be able to match the typography of your brand. Go to this article for more information.


A consistent layout structure organizes content in a predictable manner. For example, if your homepage features a hero image followed by three content blocks, this layout structure should be maintained across all pages to provide a familiar user experience.

Advanced page example

Here are a couple of articles in order to get you started with layouts:

  • Setting up your page gives an overview of the most important page components and teaches you how to build a new homepage using the basic header and footer template.

  • Building a page layout is aimed to give you some ideas for a page components arrangement from scratch and creating custom cards.

Obviously, there are many approaches to structuring your page layout and you have to choose one depending on the kind of page you have (detail page, data page, landing page, etc.) and the kind of content you have to place within it. Check out our page templates which may simplify things for you. If you’re looking for inspiration and ideas for modern user interface designs, see services like Dribble or UI8.


Consistency in the placement and styling of navigation bars, side menus, buttons, tabs, breadcrumbs, etc. is as important as everything mentioned earlier. Users should easily identify how to navigate through the website and find the relevant information in a few clicks, with navigation elements appearing in the exact location and style on each page.

There are various kinds of ideas to come up with while creating a navigation in your application too. The most common is creating a navigation bar on top of a page with some buttons right on it or a slide-out menu, similar to what you can see in the example below.

Navigation example

When you have some deeply nested pages, you may use breadcrumbs to make navigation easier and more consistent. This component is used to apply secondary navigation schemes that use breadcrumb items to reveal the user’s location within an application.

Breadcrumbs example

Button styles

Use consistent button styles, such as size, shape, and color, across the application. The primary action buttons could be a distinct color like green or blue, while secondary or tertiary buttons may be grayed out or less prominent. Additionally, button labels should be clear and concise, conveying their intended action. For example, a Submit button on a form should clearly indicate its purpose. Buttons should exhibit consistent behavior, such as visual feedback on hover or click. They should also be easily clickable, with adequate spacing to prevent accidental clicks.

If you apply the color scheme via the theme builder, such components as a navigation bar and buttons will be changed according to the primary color of your application. Nevertheless, you can change the colors of these components separately. To do this, click on the button and go to the styles overview. There you’ll find various styling options, in particular, changing the background color of the button.

Button styles in page builder

Also, for the sake of style consistency, we highly recommend:

  • Using style presets in a component’s styling options. By saving some particular styling and naming it, you can reuse them on different pages and make your application’s design more consistent

Button styles in the page builder
  • Saving as a new component which can be found at the bottom of the options overview of a component. This function allows you to save a component with its styling as a new component that will be added to the components section in the page builder.

Saving a new page component

Icons and symbols

When using icons or symbols, maintain a consistent set of icons throughout the site. For instance, if a magnifying glass icon represents search functionality, it should be used consistently wherever a search is available.

In the example below, unique icons indicate sensors and locations. It creates a straightforward association in users' minds, and these icons can be reused within the different pages.

Icons example

Responsive design

Ensure that the design remains consistent across different devices and screen sizes. Elements should adapt precisely to maintain their relative positioning and readability.

Responsive design example

Always remember to test out responsiveness for different devices down in the page builder’s options menu. This way you’ll prevent unpleasant surprises when you are about to wrap up designing your interface. Some page components, like the navigation bar are converted into other device versions automatically, unfortunately, it doesn’t always work with all layout components and you have to be careful with their hierarchy.

Responsive design example

Branding elements and uniqueness

Integrate consistent branding elements such as logos, taglines, and brand-specific imagery to reinforce your brand identity. All of that contributes to the uniqueness and reflects a brand’s personality, values, and messaging. A well-designed user interface stands out in a crowded market creating a long-lasting impression and a sense of trust and loyalty.

To wrap it up, it's worth saying that application styling is not just about aesthetics, but also about some fundamental aspects of creating user-friendly, consistent, and responsive design. Unlock Betty Blocks' capabilities and potential by following some key principles mentioned in this article and combining them with your own taste and your company's approaches. Only this way you can craft something useful and sustainable.

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