Company overview

In this detailed overview, you can see a lot of statistics about your company, its organizations, and their application.

After reading this article you'll know:

  • What the company overview is

  • Which statistics you can find in the overview

  • Which classifications of users and applications there are

An expansion for application management within My Betty Blocks — the company overview. This feature offers users insight into their application landscape, allowing you to gain a better understanding of your user and application data.

Company admins

To get there, we have added the company admin role. Positioned one level above the current organization layer, this new role with a new permission is created to enable your organization admin, now elevated to a company admin, to view all data available in the company overview.

Let's have a look at what exactly, the company overview has to offer.

Total applications

Gain a panoramic view of all your applications in one centralized location. Whether you're managing a handful or a multitude of applications, the company overview enables you to keep track of each one effortlessly.

At Betty Blocks we recognize multiple types of applications, to read more about the different kinds of applications check out this article.

Total builders and active end-users

See the usability dynamics of your application with a breakdown of total builders and end-users. End-users are required to log in using credentials to access the applications, identified by an email domain associated with the company. This insight allows you to better understand your team's composition and application resource usage. The total amount of internal and external users is updated monthly. The other statistics on the company overview are updated at 00:00 CET.

How are builders counted?

Builders are users who have registered in Betty Blocks and have a building role within an application.

Included in the count:

Builders that are inactive

Excluded from the count:

Builders with a Betty Blocks domain name.

Builders that are part of one of our implementation partners assigned to the customer.

Best practices:

The admin should review the users monthly to remove inactive builders and check for duplicates.

  • The admin should review the users monthly to remove inactive builders and check for duplicates.
  • Authenticated users are users required to log in to access specific applications, with an email domain belonging to the customer's company.

How are end-users counted?

End-users are often referred to as the users that use the front-end of your application (unless differently specified). These log in via their credentials to make use of your application.

Included in the count:

  • End-users are unique by email/username or authentication profile uuid + userid.

    • The unique identifier can be configured on custom authentication profiles.

  • End-users in a default production application.

  • End-users that log in via the page builder using

    • Custom authentication

    • Betty Blocks internal authentication
  • End-users that log in via the back office (Classic)

  • End-users that log in via web blocks (Classic)

  • End-users that log in via UI builder (Classic)

Excluded from the count:

  • End-users in sandboxes/branches, playgrounds & training apps.

  • End-users that login to the builder-environment(IDE) of a production application.

Best practices: 
  • The admin should provide Betty Blocks (BB) with a list of domain names that qualify as internal.
  • The admin should review the users monthly to remove inactive users and check for duplicates.
  • To enable accurate tracking of your end-users, make sure to set the Unique Identifier Property in your authentication profile, allowing your company statistics to be as accurate as possible.


Note: Make sure to set the Unique Identifier Property for every active authentication profile you are using, as this is not automatically set with the implementation of the feature.

Total templates

The creation of your ultimate application factory can only be done with a sub-set of wonderfully crafted application templates. All templates shared within the organization will display in a panoramic overview, allowing you to have a glance at what can be created in a matter of minutes.

Total building blocks

Understand the parts of your production applications by exploring the total number of building blocks. These building blocks exist of pages, data models, actions, and web services, each defined within your Betty Blocks contract. The company overview offers a different view of your application, allowing you to view the complexity and scale, and in turn, allowing you to measure effectiveness and resources.

Included in building blocks:

  • Multiplier per building block content type as described in a contract

  • All building blocks that are in the default production applications

    • Pages (current-gen)

    • Actions (current-gen & classic)

    • Models (current-gen & classic)

    • Custom models (current-gen)

    • Webservices (classic)

    • Custom endpoint (classic)

  • Building blocks in disabled applications

  • Building blocks that aren’t used anymore

  • Building blocks that need to be built for a workaround


      • Building blocks in sandboxes of default applications

      • Building blocks in playground applications

      • Building blocks in training applications

      1. Building blocks in sandboxes of default applications
      2. Building blocks in playground applications
      3. Building blocks in training applications

        Best practices:
      • The admin should review the apps and functionality on usage, and decide to remove items.

      • Playground and training apps need to be removed after 3 months

      Moving your application

      Applications reside within the organization in which they have been created. Sometimes, however, it might be that you want to move the application to another organization if a copy based on an application template does not suffice.
      You can move your application in the settings of the application, however as a company admin you can also move applications in the application overview of your company. Navigate to the global overview and press the arrow button on an applications record. A prompt will appear in which you can select the new organization you want to move your application to.


      Note: It is important to look into your roles and permissions, as you need corresponding ones to move applications from one to another organization.