Creating a sandbox
Discover how to create and use a sandbox in Betty Blocks.
If you're not sure what a sandbox is then give the article sandboxes explained a read.
After reading this article you'll know how to:
Create sandboxes for your application
Merge sandboxes
Delete a sandbox
Enable a settings model
Creating a sandbox
Go to and click on your organization and application.
Click the
Create new sandbox
button to create your sandbox. -
Give the sandbox a name and set the identifier that'll be used in the URL of the sandbox.
Create sandbox
to finish the creation of the sandbox, depending on the size of your application the creation time may vary.

Note: Only organization members with the admin role can create sandboxes.
Merging sandboxes
After applying all changes in your sandbox, it's time to push them to your production environment. In Betty Blocks, this is called merging. Open the sandbox you are going to merge by selecting it in the sandbox browser.
After applying all the changes to a sandbox it's time to push it to your production environment, this is called merging.
Click the
View merge plan
button of the sandbox, this will show you the merge overview -
Double-check if the overview is correct and if it is click
Merge changes
in the top right corner to merge the changes made -
Add a description to clarify what it is that's going to be merged and press to
Merge changes
button to merge the changes.

Merging will disable both the sandbox and the application that you are merging into for the duration of the merge. So merge at a moment that will not affect other processes and users.
What will be merged
All changes made in your sandbox will be merged into your application except for the following items:
Values from configurations
Data from models that are not settings models
My Betty Blocks settings
You can view current changes by checking out the merge plan.
Deleting a sandbox
By clicking on the Options
button of a sandbox a dropdown appears in which you can choose to delete a sandbox. You might want to delete a sandbox because an irreversible change has been made or maybe because there's no longer a need for the sandbox.
Delete sandbox
followed by clickingDelete this sandbox
in the pop-up that appears to confirm that you want to get rid of the sandbox.

Settings models
Besides building pages, actions, and your data model; records within the models can also be a part of the structure of your application. Data that never changes and that are used within some processes. For example countries, languages, or categories.
It is likely that we want this data to be identical in every (sandbox) environment of your application. This is where settings models are used for.
You can enable the settings model option in your application.
Navigate to your model
Go to settings
Check the settings model checkbox
Save changes
to convert the model to a settings model

Read how to use sandboxes for your DTAP-street here.