Import and export terms to and from the translations feature.
You can also manage translations in an external spreadsheet using the import and export feature. For example, where you already have created a terminology list or involved a 3rd party translation firm for obtaining professionally translated business terms for your application, or to check that a list of terms is correctly applied with a native speaker.
Exporting translations to a .csv file
Once you have defined the languages for which you want to include translations, you can create an export file that you can download to a local or shared drive.

1. Click on the Export button. The Export your translations pop-up window is displayed. |
2. Select one or more languages to include for export into a comma-separated values (.CSV) file. We recommend that you include the primary language as the basis so that the key reference language is available. |
3. Click on the Export Languages button. The language file is downloaded and saved to the default download location. You can work with the file based on your own preferred application settings. |
4. The language file is downloaded (A) and saved to the default download location based on your settings. Click on the file name to open the file or to access the additional options for saving to a specific location. You can now work with the file based on your own preferred spreadsheet application. If you are adding key or translation information, you can later import the data file as described in the next section. |
Importing translations from a .csv file
You can import a .CSV file that contains additional terms that you have prepared for inclusion in your application. When you prepare the file, we advise that the column headings correspond with the language code you have specified using the Manage languages options.
Before starting: Only tab based separator and comma based separator files are supported.
1. Click on the Import button. The Import your translations pop-up window is displayed. |
2. Browse to and select the .CSV file you want to upload from the list displayed. |
3. Click Open. The language file selected is prepared for upload. |

4. Once the successfully uploaded message is displayed, click on Next to continue. The Import your translations window is displayed. |
5. Align the columns in the uploaded .CSV files with the corresponding language or key column defined for your application. Note: You can also select the Manage languages button in the pull-down menu to:
The Manage languages window is displayed. Reminder: you can't use numbers only for you language/key! |
6. When you have completed aligning the language/key with the columns in your .csv file, click on Import languages. The Import your Translations window is closed, and a message is displayed in the Translations window when the transfer is successfully completed. |