Learn how you can set one of your pages as the home page of your application.
After reading this article, you'll know how to:
Set a home page for your application
How to change the home page when needed
Why use a home page
Home pages are exactly what you probably think they are when you read the word 'home page'. It is the home, or start, page of your application. When a user goes to your website and fills in your URL, for example: https://lowkey.betty.app/
. They'll land on whatever page you set as your home page. Any page can be a home page; it's important to note though that if your page uses an authentication profile it'll require your user to first login before it shows you the actual page.
By default your application doesn't have a home page, you need to set one up yourself. If you haven't set a home page and you try to compile your application from anywhere but one of your pages (for example while you're working in the action builder, or in your data model). Your application will try to compile the application's home page so when none is set you'll see this notification:

This notification won't show up if a home page has been set, or when you're working on a page in the page builder it'll then compile the current page you're working on.
Setting a home page
To set a home page navigate to the settings of your application, these are found inside the tools section:

Inside the application settings tab, you'll find various options. Such as setting a default title for your application's pages, or a default description, but also which page should function as your home page.
To select a page, or change it if you want a different page to be your home page, simply select the desired page from the drop-down menu. In this case, I'll select the page called 'home' as my home page.

After this hit the save settings
button to save this page as your home page.
When a user now goes to your website and fills in your URL, for example: https://lowkey.betty.app/
he'll be redirected to https://lowkey.betty.app/home
And if you compile the page from a different place than the page builder, like from your action builder, or your data model, it'll now redirect you to https://lowkey.betty.app/home
instead of showing you the notification message.
You can also set your error pages in this overview, read more about those in this article.