Right now you cannot create or delete an organization on your own. Please, reach out to your Betty Blocks contact that will help you move forward with the following task.
Organization overview
When the organization has been created, you'll be able to enter it and see its overview:
1. Organization info: number of applications and users that belong to this organization
2. Organization management: includes settings, user management, roles, and permissions
3. Applications: an overview of applications that belong to this organization

Check out this video to learn more about the My Betty Blocks environment:
Organization settings
In the organization settings, you can set images for your organization, change the name of your organization and set the default application zone.

Icon: Choose an icon for your organization.
Background: Choose a background image for your organization.
Name: Choose a name for your organization.
Default application zone: Choose the zone in which your organization resides.
User management
Within the User management page, you'll see the actual users of your organization and those who are waiting for being registered (1). Once the user is added, they can be assigned an admin (who has a higher level of access and can add new users to an application) or a regular member (2).

To invite a new member to your organization, click Invite members
(3) in the top right corner of the application (you can also switch to Roles and permissions
view from here). You can invite multiple members at once by filling in the email address and pressing enter to start with the next one. When you’ve entered all the members that you want to send an invite to, you can click Send invite
in the bottom right corner of the modal.
Roles and permissions
As for Roles & permissions, the situation is next: there are two primary roles (admin and member) by default. You cannot edit their permissions on your own, therefore contact Betty Blocks if you need to fix something.

However, you can add a custom role and customize it freely. Just click the Add
button beside the Roles section and the new dialog will appear.

Then you can go through all the permissions in the list to decide what actions this particular role is allowed to deal with. The permission settings apply to all applications within the organization.

If you want to learn more about roles and permissions within your organization, we recommend reading the Managing organization roles article.