Employ the validations view to check the validations applied to a model.
You can display the details for any validations that have been applied for a model using the Validations tab. As shown in the example below, the validations that have been applied to specific properties are listed.

Click on the Validations tab to open the validations details for the current model. In the above, the Role model is used as an example. |
The Type details are displayed for the model. |
The details of individual properties and required validations is displayed. When you click on the property name, the detailed property details are displayed. |
When you click on a Property in the list of Validations for a model, the Properties pane is opened as shown in the following example: |

You can edit the information displayed in the Properties pane as required to develop the details associated with the selected model. When finished, press the Save button to save any changes you have applied. Press either the Cancel (X) or the Close button to return to the property list. |