Condition step

Set conditions with filters for your action flow.

Updated over a week ago

After reading this article, you’ll know how to:

  • Use the condition step in actions

  • Apply condition rules for this step

  • Expand your condition step by grouping and multi-conditioning

  • Use cases you can apply to the advanced condition settings

Working with actions allows you to create certain rules for users of your application - you can set conditions with filtering to make them execute properly. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to add filter rules and groups within a condition step to enable certain users to make changes in an application, and also learn how to use multiple flows to handle more use cases.

Make sure to also check out this video about the Loop- and Condition step:

Adding condition rules

Let us begin by explaining the action flow we are going to create in this example. It will be an action with a condition step that will give two users with certain emails (text variable that is pre-created)access to updating records. The ‘Email’ will serve as a variable and we need to filter it in a certain way so that only these two users are able to make changes

  1. Create a new action in your application and add the condition step to the canvas.

  2. Open the step options by clicking on it, and see the ‘Paths’ tab that is opened by default.

  3. Next, add some rules for the ‘True’ flow:

    Email equals


    Email equals

  4. Press 'Save' when you're done.

Setting up a 'True-Else' condition step

After the filtering is complete, you can add some more steps on top to finish the action flow. In our example, we’ve added the update record step after the condition is true. That will enable our users with the defined email addresses to update the record that belongs to a certain model.

If users with other emails try to update the record, the condition will fall into ‘Else’ and they will receive an error message saying “You have no access to updating this data!”.

Example of an action flow with condition step and 'True' and 'Else' outomes

Condition grouping

The next few cases are used to expand your condition step. The first of them is grouping (‘Add group’). It’s used when the ‘OR/AND’ rule like in our previous example is not enough and you want one more ‘OR/AND’ rule on top of it.

In the following example, we would like users to be able to update the record when the task status is either ‘To do’ OR ‘In progress’ AND the user profile is active. In order to do this, proceed with the following steps:

1. Open the condition step options, and see the ‘Paths’ tab that is opened by default.

2. Next, add two rules for the ‘True’ flow:

task_status equals To do


task_status equals In progress

3. Add group:

active_user equals true

4. Press ‘Save’ when you’re done.

Adding a group to the condition step setting

Multi condition

This feature comes in handy when you want to create not just a simple ‘True/Else’ flow, but multiple flows that need to be taken into account within your action.

As an example, let’s add two more condition flows on top of the previous one because our tasks also have two more statuses: ‘Done’ and ‘Blocked’, and we want users to receive different outcomes as the result of these flows.

1. Below the ‘True’ flow, find the button ‘Add path’ and click on it. One more flow is created.

'Add path' button]

2. Come up with a proper name (‘Already done’ in our case) and add a few rules:

task_status equals Done


active_user equals true

3. Add one more path (‘Blocked’ in our example’) and add the rules to it:

task_status equals Blocked


active_user equals true

4. Save your progress.

Multi condition setting in the condition step

In order to get the desired result of the whole action, we’ve also added a few more steps on top of what we already have. Eventually, there are four condition flows for different cases:

1. True flow leads to the user being able to update a record when:

Task status is either ‘To do’ OR ‘In progress


User is active

2. Already done flow finishes in an appropriate error message when:

Task status is ‘Done


User is active

3. Blocked flow leads to the user getting an error message when:

Task status is ‘Blocked


User is active

4. Else flow leads to the action’s finish if the above-mentioned criteria aren’t met.

Example of an action flow with more advanced condition step

Lastly, it’s worth mentioning that these are very basic examples of new filtering in condition steps, but it’s obviously applicable for more advanced cases. For more information on data filtering within actions and data morel, proceed to this article.

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