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What are settings models?

Find out how to assign a model as a settings model.

Updated over a year ago

In addition to being used when building pages, actions, and in a data model, records in an individual model can form part of the structure of your application. This is specifically the case for data that remains static and which can be used in filters for variables and actions. This is data that needs to remain fixed for each iteration (sandbox) level of your application. Where a model provides this type of data, you can include the model in the Settings for your application.


Use this feature:

  • For data sets that remain the same throughout the different application environment levels. Use, for example, for Roles or Languages which do not change.

  • With models that contain less than 1000 records. Design-time issues can otherwise occur in later application development versions.

    Note: Use the smallest possible data set for best results.

Assigning a model as a Settings Model

To assign a model as a Setting Model, open the Data model for your application.

You can access the details for a model from either the Data model list view or the Data model schema view. In the following example, the Data model (A) list view is opened.

1. Click on a model to open the details for the model. In the following example, the model Attribute is opened. The Properties (B) tab for the model is displayed.

2. Click on the Settings tab to open the Settings for the selected model Attribute (C). A radio button is available as shown (D) that you can switch on. Once switched to On, this model becomes a Settings model and its data is shared between the different stages of an application; from Sandbox development to the live production environment stage.

Note: Sandboxes are copies of an application in which you can apply changes and test features before moving (merging) with your live application.

3. Press the Save button to save changes.

Settings models overview

Once enabled as a settings model, records in the model are carried over when merging the sandbox. This means that any existing records at other development-level stages are overwritten and any existing associations with other records are broken. Records from a sandbox environment, including IDs (unique record identifiers) are now stored in all other environment levels.

You can identify models that are used as a settings model in the data model (A) list by the checkmark (βœ”) shown in the Settings Model column (B).

Data model overview

➝ Next article: What is a relational data model?

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