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Building multilingual applications

Using the translation feature, you can create multilingual applications.

Updated over a week ago

This article contains an introduction to how you can build multilingual applications using the Betty Blocks translations feature. A list of additional articles that contain in-depth information on how to use the Translations feature is provided at the end of this article.

Creating multilingual applications

Using the Betty Blocks platform, you can create multilingual applications. You can use the language translation feature for ensuring that your application can adapt to local requirements based on preferred language settings. The language feature is triggered by the active settings in a user’s browser. Where a local language matching the web browser’s settings is available, your application is displayed in this language.

Before you start

The translation feature provides the capability for including translations for multiple languages. The default language for any application is the primary language. Individual text elements such as screen titles, buttons, and messages are assigned as you build an application. In the Translations feature, a key connects individual terms to the appropriate field, buttons, etc. as you build the user interface for your application. This primary language is the default language for your application. This default/primary language is displayed where a user’s browser is set to a language for which a translation is not available.

How the translation feature works

The translation feature uses reference keys for assigning values. When you are building an application, you create a list of keys for individual text items. For example, you can create a list based on:

- Bn to Bnn to indicate button names

- Txtn to Txtnn to indicate text elements

- FFn to FFnn to indicate form field names.

You can create this list prior to or while using the Pages module when building the interface for your application. Where your application comprises an extensive set of keys, you can use a spreadsheet to catalog individual keys and their associated primary language term. This spreadsheet can be used by colleagues or 3rd party organizations for providing translations in the required languages.

If you have already assigned keys and primary language text terms, you can use the export feature available in the Translation feature to create a spreadsheet compatible (.csv) file that can be used for

When you are creating components such as buttons and input fields for your application, you can apply translation keys in the text field. This key provides the reference for applying translated information in an application user’s interface.


Where you are applying translations for multiple languages, we recommend that you:

  • Apply correct terminology to avoid any confusion

  • Maintain an appropriate field length for the translated term to avoid an incoherent interface design.


The following provides an overview of the different steps involved in using the Translations feature:

2.1 Specifying the primary language for your application.

2.2 Adding languages and translated terms.

3.1 Importing translations.

3.2 Exporting translations.

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