Communities allow everyone to share knowledge with other users of our platform. We want to provide you with a central point for asking questions and sharing ideas.
You can access the Betty Blocks community from the dashboard. Within the community, you can search for a specific topic or sort the different existing Community posts. Click on the
Click this link to get redirected to our community. |
Search using the search bar at the top of the page. Click a tag to filter out posts that contain this tag. |
You can ask all non-app-specific questions in the community. If you encounter a problem in your app that only affects your application you can use Intercom to start a conversation with our support.
Voting | Vote on topics and answers. Upvote helpful or interesting posts and downvote posts that are not relevant. This will help other users filter useful information from the community more quickly. |
Answered | If you are looking through topics, it really helps when you can easily figure out whether the question has been answered or not. To see this check if there is a green checkmark behind the topic! |
Search, filter, and sort | Search using the search bar at the top of the page. Click a tag to filter out posts that contain this tag. You can sort topics by answers, votes, or if they have been answered. |