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Custom expression formatting reference
Custom expression formatting reference

Expressions that have been created by developers for you to experience more options!

Updated this week

Expressions allow you to work with your data in expressive ways. In this article we collect expression formatting and solutions that have been created by platform users and validated by the Betty Blocks services department.

Format phone number

Format a phone number to a certain format, in this format the first 3 letters are separated (the location code) and added in brackets ().


  • Value:

    • function formatPhoneNumber() { // Return empty text if there is no phone number if (!"{{ office_phone }}") return ""; // Only get numbers from text const onlyNumbers = "{{ office_phone }}".replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""); // Format phone number like "(123) 456-7890" return "(" + onlyNumbers.substring(0, 3) +") " + onlyNumbers.substring(3,6) +"-" + onlyNumbers.substring(6, 10); }();
  • Variables: {{ office phone }}


  • Output type: Text

  • Value: “(123) 456-7890”


Monday of week

Retrieve the date of a Monday from a week and year you provide.


  • Value:

function getMondayOfWeek() { const date = new Date({{ year }}, 0, (1 + ({{ week_number }} - 1) * 7)); const offset = date.getTimezoneOffset(); return new Date(date.getTime() - (offset * 60 * 1000)).toISOString().split('T')[0]; }();
  • Variables: { year: 2024, week_number: 25 }


  • Output type: Text

  • Value: “2024-06-17”

This value can be saved in a date field and be used further in your application.

Get array element

Get a specific element from an array given an index (number).

Important to know that the index count starts from 0, therefore index 1 will return the second value from your array.


  • Value:

“{{ array }}“.split(“,”)[{{ index }}]
  • Variables:

{ array: [“Element 1", “Element 2”, “Element 3"], index: 1 }

Get array element - custom expression


  • Output type: Text

  • Value: “Element 2”

Filter record from collection

This filter expression is used to filter an element from a (custom) collection. In this example the output type array is used.

The expression itself is a good example of how you can deal with collections in the Expression step.


  • Value:

[{{ => }}].filter(item => item !== {{ record_id }})
  • Variables:

 { collection: [{ id: 1, title: “Element 1” }, { id: 2, title: “Element 2" }, { id: 3, title: “Element 3” }], record_id: 2 }

Filter record from collection expression example


  • Output type: Array

  • Value: [{ id: 1, title: “Element 1" }, { id: 3, title: “Element 3” }]

Some custom data formatting steps have already been turned into a block, have a look at this list to see what steps are already available in the block store.

If you have any expression formatting you would like to report and add to the list, reach out to us via email:

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