Adding users to your application
Find out how to add new users to your application.
After reading this article you'll know:
How to add a new user
The new user invitation flow
The difference between an application user and an organization member
Adding new users to your applications is for obvious reasons very helpful. Maybe you want new users to help you build the application or perhaps to start using it? In this article, we'll explain how to invite new users and the difference between certain types of users.
To start off, there are two types of users within Betty Blocks. There are application users and there are organization members. As the name suggests, application users are users of an application whilst organization users are users within an organization. We'll dive deeper into the difference between the two later on in this article.
Adding a user to your application
Adding a new user to your application can be done via your My Betty Blocks environment. Inviting new users to an application requires the right permissions for the application's organization.
First, we have to navigate to the desired application and click the Invite users
button in the top right corner. A pop-up appears in which you can invite a user by adding their email address. Multiple users can be invited at once, in this pop-up you can fill in whether a user is a builder or a normal user. Click on Send invite
to add the users.

The differences between the two roles are as follows:
Builders can build within your application, think about creating and updating new models, actions, and pages.
Users can only use your application, this role is primarily used to work within the back office of your application. Users with this role won't be able to create or delete anything from the application, they can only work with the data within the application.
Invitation flow
Once an invite has been sent out, the invited user will receive an email with an Accept invitation

If a user is new to the Betty Blocks platform, he'll need to register himself after clicking the Accept invitation

If a user already has an account he'll automatically be added. But when a user doesn't have a Betty Blocks account yet they'll need to register themself first. You can see the status of this in the user management overview.

Once the invitation is accepted the user will now be able to see and open the application. Note that the user will also be added to the organization where the application is located.

In the user management overview, a new user gets the regular member role by default. This means that every user that you invite will, by default, be an organization member within your organization. You can then change their role when necessary.
To conclude this article, a user invited to your organization will become an organization member. This user is only a part of the organization, and by default won't be able to see or interact with any applications within the organization unless given the appropriate permissions.
For example, if you give him admin rights for your organization he'll be able to invite users to the applications within the organization.
If you invite a new user to an application he'll become a new user for that application (either a builder or a normal user). And he'll also be added to your organization as a member without any permissions. An organization is the parent of your application.